

Terrasystem is partner of the project RECREO: Resource-Efficient and Climate-change REsilient hazelnut Orchard.
23.04.2024   Project details
New telephone number.
20.01.2023   The new telephone number of Terrasystem is 0761 1571532.
Terrasystem is the main sponsor of the event "Il filo rosso del pomodoro 2022" organized by ANICAV.
13.10.2022 & nbsp; & nbsp; To complete the tenth ToMAP campaign (2013 - 2022) to map the surfaces and the evolution of the harvesting of industrial tomatoes for central-southern Italy, which for the first time also involved the production area of ??northern Italy, Terrasystem will participate as main sponsor at the event "The red thread of the tomato, competitive strategies in support of a record-breaking supply chain" organized by ANICAV. The event will be held on October 26 at the Parma Fair in conjunction with the Cibus Tec Forum exhibition-conference. Further information on
Terrasystem partner of the HYPERECOS project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
25.05.2022 & nbsp; & nbsp; The Kick-off meeting of the HYPERECOS project - "Hyperspectral PRISMA data for ECOSYSTEMS FUNCTIONS, HABITATS and DIVERSITY characterization" funded by ASI within the PRISMA Scienza program was held on 13/05/22. The two-year project aims to develop, through the use of hyperspectral data of the new satellite probe PRISMA, developed by ASI, new algorithms for mapping and monitoring ecosystem functions, Habitats and their Biodiversity. The partnership with DIBAF of the University of Viterbo as leader and in which Terrasystem participates, is made up of several national and foreign research centers of excellence, specialized on the subject of remote sensing applied to environmental monitoring, such as: EURAC Research, CREA and Trier University.
Terrasystem partner of the C-FARMs - Carbon Farming Certification System project.
31.01.2022   Terrasystem is a partner of the C-FARMs - Carbon Farming Certification System project, funded by the European Commission under the LIFE program, which aims to promote Carbon Farming practices in agriculture through an improved knowledge system and a proposal for a regulatory framework for the carbon removals certification based on solid and transparent carbon accounting in connection with the national greenhouse gas inventory. Project details.
International Forum "The commitment of the Lazio Region in the ecological transition: mitigation and adaptation for climate change on a local scale".
11.01.2022   On January 14, Terrasystem will be present at the international Forum in question which will take place at 4.30 pm (Dubai time) - 1.30 pm (Italian time) at the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai. The event program is available on the page Live streaming on the Lazio Innova facebook page and on:
LIFE SAMFIX project national conference.
14.10.2021     At the event to be held on 5/11/2021 in Cisterna di Latina, Terrasystem, as head of IT activities in the LIFE project "SAMFIX - SAving Mediterranean Forests from Invasions of Xylosandrus beetles and associated pathogenic fungi", will illustrate the App of citizen science "Samfix Agent", the web application "Samfix platform" and the "X-traps".   Event flyer
Terrasystem in PARADISE project (Precision fARming for sustAinable proDuctIon in Suburban arEas).
30.11.2020   Terrasystem is a partner of the PARADISE (Precision fARming for sustAinable proDuctIon in Suburban areas) project co-financed by the Lazio Region (2020 - 2022) which involves 2 Research Bodies and 4 SMEs and within which Terrasystem will work on the IoT component, of remote sensing and modeling. Project details
Terrasystem at the ANICAV event "Il filo rosso del pomodoro".
16.11.2020   After carrying out also this year the campaign for mapping the surfaces and the evolution of the harvesting of industrial tomatoes for central-southern Italy (ToMAP 2020), Terrasystem will participate in the event "The red thread of the tomato. The value of data. Scenarios from the world of canning" organized by ANICAV, to be held on December 3 on the Zoom platform. Flyer dell'evento
Terrasystem in the PON FI.LE project for the tomato for industry.
01.12.2019   As part of the "PON Sicurezza FI.LE" project, carried out by BMTI Italia as lead partner, Terrasystem won the tender for activities of remote sensing applied to agri-environmental monitoring and mapping of the cultivation of industrial tomato in the province of Foggia for the two-year period 2020-2021, in which it will take care of the development of the TOMAP 2.0 information system, where the following will be implemented:
  • cultivation maps and periodic harvesting maps of industrial tomato
  • database with harvest data, cultivation turnover, preferential road access to crops, worker flows
  • models for the annual estimate of: maturation, harvest date, production yield.
Terrasystem in the Life SAMFIX project.
09.03.2019   Terrasystem is a partner of the LIFE17 NAT / IT / 000609 project "SAMFIX - SAving Mediterranean Forests from Invasions of Xylosandrus beetles and associated pathogenic fungi" 2018-2021, in which it is responsible for IT activities, taking care of the development of IT platform, webgis, a cityzen science app, and the study of monitoring indicators of phytophagous attacks through geomatics and remote sensing techniques. Link to the official website of the project.
Project H2020 Pantheon - precision agriculture for the hazelnut.
01.02.2019   As part of the H2020 Pantheon project, promoted by a consortium of academic and industrial partners, including Roma Tre University and Ferrero, which has as its aim the experimentation of precision agriculture techniques and robotic technologies applicable to the cultivation of the hazelnut, Terrasystem is creating on the project test sites an IoT network for agro-meteorological and soil monitoring based on innovative LoRa and RoS communication protocols. Pantheon project site
SOS WINE project - decision support system for viticulture.
10.12.2018   Terrasystem has concluded its activity in the SOS WINE - PIF / PSR project of the Tuscany region, implementing an innovative IoT-type agro-weather monitoring network and a web oriented IT platform for the area of the "Morellino of Scansano", supporting the monitoring of the plant diseases and the viticultural variability of qualitative and quantitative parameters. Link: The SOS WINE project
DSS SEMIA for the monitoring of plant diseases in olive growing.
06.07.2018   Terrasystem has developed and implemented a network of 15 IoT agro-meteo stations and a DSS aimed at monitoring plant diseases in olive growing in the Province of Grosseto, as part of the "SEMIA" Cooperation Project funded by the Tuscany Rural Development Plan 2014 / 2020, Measure 16.2. Description of the project, the DSS and access to the portal:
Variable dose fertilizer Tecnovict Claudio Pontremolesi with Terrasystem vigor maps.
23.04.2018  Variable dose fertilizer for Precision viticulture CLAUDIO PONTREMOLESI. A simple and performing machine dedicated to an unforgettable friend. At the farm Conte Carlo Giorgi of Vistarino. Maps of the vigor by Terrasystem. Link
Terrasystem at the FabSpace 2.0 Open Day
23.03.2017   Terrasystem will be at the FabSpace 2.0 Open Day event (Rome, 28/02/2017), with a Claudio Belli's speech: "Use of satellite data in agricolture: the experience of Terrasystem". FabSpace 2.0 is a project financed by the Horizon 2020 European programme with the aim of creating new business opportunities through the access to satellite data and georeferenced information. Event page
Framework agreement of collaboration and technical support between UNAPROA and TERRASYSTEM.
31.01.2017   TERRASYSTEM and UNAPROA signed a framework agreement for joint collaboration in the design, development and promotion of innovative solutions and systems in the areas of environmental monitoring - DSS, precision agriculture, geographical and environmental traceability (carbon and water footprint) of the production, co-funded projects, training/information programs.
Project of exploitation of the Canino DOP extra virgin organic olive oil through the study of the CO2 flux in the olive grove ecosystem.
31.01.2017   With this project, made with the RDP - Measure 124 tender of the Lazio Region, have been developed methodologies for estimating carbon footprint and product traceability and communication/marketing tools based on QR-CODE and the Internet, applicable to the olive industry, available in the web platform This system has been inserted into the catalogue of innovations of the Lazio Region. Details of the project in the works gallery.
Application of the Sentinel satellite data in precision viticulture
11.11.2016  Terrasystem and Avignonesi have signed a collaboration agreement for a task of applied-research aimed at the evaluation of the use of new Sentinel2 satellite images in the monitoring of the vineyard, in particular the aspects related to the maturation of the grapes and the differentiated harvest.
New paper: "How the uptake of biogas can minimize greenhouse gas emissions from landfills"
26.10.2016  The paper, published on Recover Magazine n. 36, is the outcome of the work carried out in the project EDDYAPP (POR FESR Lazio 2007/2013 - Co-Research) on the use of Eddy covariance technology for the measurement of greenhouse gas flows in ecosystems and in the urban environment and landfills. Link to the paper (italian).
Mapping of the tomato for industry
20.10.2016  Terrasystem, for the 4th year in a row, processed the map of the tomato crops of central and southern Italy for Anicav (ToMap project), using satellite and aerial remote sensing data. For the 2016 mapping a new processing methodology has been developed, based on new multispectral satellite Sentinel 2 of the ESA. Details in the gallery.
"Aprilia as Smart City" project
4.10.2016   Project "Aprilia as Smart City - new technologies for urban environmental monitoring" published in the gallery. Since December 2015 the system maintenance phase is in progress . Gallery page - Project sheet (italian).
Precision wine growing: the testimony of our client Tenuta Ornellaia on Nova Agricoltura.
31.03.2016  Link to the article.
Interview with Claudio Belli on Agronotizie: "Know your vineyard potential and results of Terrasystem"
11.02.2016  The interview video is on Youtube. Link.
Conference "More efficient agronomic management with the precision farming: practical examples in Italy" - Verona 4 February 2016
03.02.2016  Terrasystem attend the conference sponsored by Informatore Agrario with a speech about "Experience in the field". Link.
Terrasystem at Enovitis - Fieragricola (Veronafiere 3-6 February 2016)
03.02.2016  Terrasystem attend the Enovitis workshops with a speech entitled: "Vitimap and Vitigis: advanced solutions for the monitoring and management of the vineyards" to be held on February 4 at 11 am. Program of the workshops.
Terrasystem at the ANICAV's meeting "Il filo rosso del pomodoro" 2015
25.11.2015  Terrasystem will attend the conference to be held in Foggia on 2 December with a speech entitled: "The mapping of hectares of industrial tomato in the center southern Italy - The Remote Sensing". Flyer of the conference.
10.10.2015  With the campaign VITIMAP 2015 Terrasystem has created maps for precision viticulture for Avignonesi, Frescobaldi, Ornellaia and the University of Salerno.
"Aprilia Smart City" project
30.09.2015  In the Urban Center portal of the "Aprilia Smart City" Project, the web section with data on air quality, meteorological variables and heat island was published. The data are acquired in real time by the network of sensors made by Terrasystem. Link to the site.
Eddy Covariance technique applied to the study of mountain environments
05.05.2015  Terrasystem is working on the project Next Data by monitoring the flow of greenhouse gases with Eddy Covariance technique at the experimental alpine site Malga Arpaco (Tn).
Terrasystem at EXPO 2015
05.05.2015  On July 22 2015 Terrasystem will participate in a day dedicated to precision farming organized by the CNR, with a speech entitled: "Monitoring Technologies at the service of precision farming". More information at
Mapping of the tomato for industry
29.04.2015  Terrasystem, for the third year in a row, will process the map of the tomato crops of central and southern Italy commissioned by Anicav (ToMap project), using satellite and aerial remote sensing data.
3D maps by drone
20.04.2015  Terrasystem is participating in a study on the applicability of 3D mapping technologies from drone for assessing flood areas, carried out in collaboration with DIBAF of the University of Tuscia and the University La Sapienza of Rome. Images.
"Aprilia Smart City" project
16.04.2015  Within the project "Aprilia Smart City", currently under construction, Terrasystem is deploying a network of sensors and systems for the monitoring of meteorological variables, air quality and the heat island phenomenon.
"Enhancement of Canino DOP extra virgin olive oil through the study of the CO2 stream on olive grove ecosystem"
12.04.2015  Project being implemented under the PRS Region Lazio 2007/2013 - Measure 124, in which Terrasystem takes care of the acquisition / processing of data with the eddy covariance technique, and the IT platform.
Terrasystem at the working tables of "Innovations and technologies for the city, territory and environment" (Venice, Ca'Tron, 23 March to 3 April 2015)
10.03.2015  Terrasystem will participate in the event with speeches of Claudio Belli at the tables: "Hydrogeological risk. Monitoring and Early Warning" (25 March) and "Real time diffused Monitoring of land and environment" (March 30). A totem about the projects "ICT Solutions for Agrifood" and "Environmental monitoring with multi-sensor systems" will be at the exhibition.
Terrasystem at the ANICAV's meeting "Il filo rosso del pomodoro" 2014
17.11.2014  Terrasystem will be in the contact area of the meeting with its own stand, presenting the methodology and the results of the mapping of the tomato crops by remote sensing and related services. The meeting will take place in Naples on 28 november. Flyer.
01.10.2014  Terrasystem, together with A.O.P. Nocciola Italia and University of Tuscia - Dibaf is developing the new information system Geocast for the chestnut of the Lazio region, a project made possible thanks to the 124 measure of the Rural development plan 2007-2013 of the Lazio Region.
01.09.2014   The campaign VITIMAP 2014 came to a conclusion: Terrasystem has processed maps for precision viticulture for Avignonesi and University of Foggia.
Terrasystem developed AGRIMAP
20.08.2014   AGRIMAP is the new software for automatic processing of monitoring maps for precision farming developed by Terrasystem.
Mapping of the tomato for industry
10.08.2014   Terrasystem, for the second year in a row, made the map of the tomato crops of central and southern Italy commissioned by Anicav Srl (ToMap project), using satellite and aerial remote sensing data.
21.10.2013  Article "Vitimap, vineyards mapped by aircraft" about our service for precision viticulture issued in Fieragricola-News. Link to the article (italian).
Ansa interview with Terrasystem
11.10.2013  Video interview about the monitoring of vineyards during the 2013 aerial campaign. Video - Article (italian).
20.08.2013  Terrasystem produced precision viticulture maps for the 2013 season for Marchesi Antinori srl, Ornellaia Soc Agricola srl, University of Foggia, University of Palermo (Avigere project).
Multi-sensor systems for monitoring of the urban environment
01.09.2013  Terrasystem concluded the implementation of a monitoring system for the town of Villafranca Veronese, in collaboration with Unisky. The implementation of the Urban Mobile Network of Florence is underway, in collaboration with CNR-Ibimet and the University of Florence. Summary of the projects in the gallery.
Mapping of the tomato crops
01.08.2013  Terrasystem, for the second year in a row, made the map of the tomato crops of central and southern Italy commissioned by Anicav Srl (ToMap project), using satellite and aerial remote sensing data.
Multimedia on the green walls
15.07.2013  Terrasystem created a multimedia touch-screen on the green walls and the water cycle in urban environment, designed for a museum in Mexico City.
Filas spa is co-financing two projects on tender notices Coresearch and Microinnovazione (POR FESR 2007-2013)
01.07.2013  The projects include: the technology transfer and the activation of services based on the innovative technology Eddy Covariance used to measure the fluxes of greenhouse gases in the ecosystems, in the urban environment and in landfills (EDDYAPP); the innovations of process and product for the achievement of innovative precision-farming services based on modeling and remote sensing.
Presentation of the projects InfoNut and PreNut (PSR Regione Lazio)
15.04.2013  Terrasystem participated in the conference "qualitative and quantitative enhancement of the production of hazelnuts and biomass for energy" held in Caprarola on 04/24/2013. The two projects InfoNut and PreNut were presented, for which Terrasystem oversaw the creation of the computer platform and the data processing. For further details about the day see the Invitation.
Terrasystem partecipated in the project "S-ORTI FELICI, urban agriculture and land"
15.04.2013  Complete news (italian).
Monitoring system of the debris flows in the basin of the Rio Chiesa river (BL)
28.11.2012  Terrasystem developed a multi-sensor network for ARPAV. Project sheet.
INFONUT - Information system for the hazelnuts of Lazio
28.11.2012  INFONUT was developed by Terrasystem thanks to the Rural Development Plan of Regione Lazio 2007-2013. The project was proposed by Assofrutti srl. Project sheet.
SIT INDUSTRIA - Information system of the industrial areas of Lazio
28.11.2012  This project, developed for Bic Lazio, is presented in our gallery. Project sheet (italian).
International Conference on Viticultural Mechanisation and Grape and Wine Quality
11.6.2012  Terrasystem was present with its own stand at the conference promoted by Istituto di Frutti-Viticoltura of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, held in Piacenza from 27 - 29 June.
Aerial remote sensing for the monitoring of the kiwi bacterial cancer (Psa)
8.6.2012  The SIMBAKI project was presented at the national conference of Psa, held in Latina on 24-25 May. Project sheet.
12.4.2012  Terrasystem was present at AERO EXPO 2012, held on 18 - 21 April in Friedrichshafen, at the stand of Magnaghi Areonautica, presenting the aerial remote sensing systems MFP, DFR and ASPIS.

27.4.2011  At ENOFORUM 2011 Terrasystem presented the poster (in italian): "VITIMAP: new methodologies for precision viticulture" - poster