TERRASYSTEM proposes customised WebGIS applications to all organisations which intend to valorize their own local resources and provide technical and advanced information services based on geographic data.

  • Municipal administrations: publishing and sharing of basic and thematic cartography, cross spatial analysis, management of the real estate register, certifications (with the integration of cadastral and topographic maps)
  • Environmental protection: management of urban green spaces, management of the Forest Fires Cadastre
  • Civil Protection: classification of areas at risk, support for plans of civil protection
  • Network infrastructures (aqueducts, power grids, sewage etc.).
  • Agri-environment: publication of maps and data in support of agricultural production and forestry, weather data
  • Tourism: promotion of local resources, cultural heritage and typical products

These applications are based on the most advanced development tools with proprietary or open source license.
The system allows for the continuous updating of the geographic database and their integration with databases already owned by the institution. It is also possible to integrate very high resolution aerial ortho-photos produced by Terrasystem.